Research video 1
A gradient porous polymer membrane strip actuates in an acetone vopor (liquid acetone stained in blue).
Research video 2
A gradient porous polymer membrane strip actuates in a perfume vopor, a real commercial perfume!
Research video 3
Nitrogen doping makes carbon monolith more fire-resistant!
Research video 3
A carbon membrane that does not burn!
Group activity
Group dinner on Oct. 21. Our achievement: we ate up 50 chicken wings!!
Lab Instruments (to be added)

Research highlights
1. Martina worked with microstructure-preserving carbonization of bugs assisted by poly(ionci liquid), and made the fronter cover for J. MAter. Chem. A.
2. Jiayin appeared in 2013 in a brochure introudcing the research park in Potsdam, Germany
3. Jiayin on a local Potsdam Newspaper in 2015, Germany
4. Dr. Hermann Schnell Prize for Jiayin in 2015 reported by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
5. FCI Dozentenpreis for Jiayin in 2016 reported by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
6. Jiayin as co-editor for a special issue for Polymer in 2014
7. Jiayin as co-editor for a special issue for Macromolecular Rapid Comunication in 2016
8. Our joint paper with Qiang has a Back Cover on Angewandte Chemie International Edition in 2018
9. Our joint paper with Hong and Geoff has a Front inside Cover on Angewandte Chemie International Edition in 2018
10. Jian-ke's ionic cage paper made a front cover page in J. Mater. Chem. C in 2018.
10. Our joint paper with Prof. Hong wnag at Nankai University made a inside front cover page in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. in 2019.